Exploring Voice Dialogue

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Having had the priviledge to train with Hal and Sidra Stone in Holland and California I have through the years gained my own unique experiences and inspirations. My intention with this website is to playfully and creatively explore the endless possibilities that Voice Dialogue offers. Christian Sarti

Old website from 1998

I started my Voice Dialogue adventure in creating a Voice Dialogue page on my first website. It’s still accessible via the Wayback Machine.

Exploring Voices

A place where we can list and explore the voices (sub-personalities, energies…) that we have come in touch with.

The Aware Ego and the Spiritside of Human Life

A powerful quote from “The Voice Dialogue Antology” by Hal and Sidra Stone:

In contrast, the Aware Ego surrenders to all energies or selves. This is quite different from surrendering only to the spiritual energies. It means very simply that the Aware Ego is committed to hearing, seeing, and feeling all the different selves. It excludes none. When one self starts to dominate, it is the job of the Aware Ego to find the opposites on the other side and to consider their input as well. In this sense the Aware Ego is like an orchestra conductor who welcomes all the instruments and then uses their individual contributions to sing the song of the soul.